This is why I chose gardening for this project . Just have your child plant a seed , water it , see how it grows and enjoy the beauty of it .
Grade level : Kindergarden and higher . Older kids will pay more attention and take a bigger part in taking care of the plants . But the smaller children will still enjoy this process .
Material needed : You will need :
* seeds from flowers ( like sunflowers )
* seeds from your favorite vegetables ( like tomatoes .You can buy the seeds or actually use the seeds from an actual tomato .)
* seeds for herbs (like parsley , dill , basil , cilantro ,etc)
* some planters or pots (ceramic or plastic)
* soil for vegetables and flowers
* a small shovel
* gardening gloves (optional)
* water
* watering can and/or spray bottle
* some acrylic paints
* paintbrushes
* chalks
Project : (1) Ask the child to decorate the pots and /or planters with acrylic paints . They can create their own designs or paint the entire thing black so it will look like a black board . You can also add a name on the planter if you have more than one child .

(2) If the pot is painted black , you can write on it what you are planning to plant in it with a chalk .
(3) Ask the child to add some soil in each pots you want to use .
(4) Ask the child to dig a small whole and place a seed in it . Ask him/her to cover the seed back with some soil .
(5) Then ask the child to water the soil using a spray bottle . Repeat the watering every day until the plant start growing and produce flowers or vegetables .
(6) Enjoy your new garden ! You will be amazed ! Beside producing flowers and vegetables it will also attract some wonderful creatures like butterflies , pretty ladybugs , birds , curious squirrels...
Also if things does not seem to work at first , keep trying ! Some things we tried to grow did not always grow . Some plant just simply never seemed to work for us . Maybe it's the location , maybe we're doing it wrong . Sometimes the squirrels destroyed our plants . Sometimes our dog ....But we never gave up ! We kept trying and we tried to fix the problems. (We stayed away from certain flowers , we put a small fence to prevent the dog for digging or eating our plants , and we sprayed some Cayenne Pepper in hope to try to discourage the squirrels .) So why don't you give it a try ?GOOD LUCK !
I will keep adding pictures as the plants are growing and blooming .
Our garden : This year we planted :
Some flowers :
(1) Mammoth sunflowers (can grow up to 12 feet tall). We planted them directly in the soil .
We also have some Teddy bear sunflowers growing in our garden . A seed was accidentally mixed in the pack of mammoth sunflowers ...but it's growing :-)
(2) Some Oriental Lilies .(Those were bulbs , not seeds .) We planted five of them directly into the ground . Unfortunately the squirrels stole two of them :-(
(3) Some four o'clocks in a pot on the porch .
(4) Some Dahlias in a planter on the porch .
(5) Some pansies in a planter on the porch ....but this did not grow as well . We were never able to grow any the previous years ....but let's see if we can do it this year ....
Some vegetables :
We have a busy life and we planted our vegetables and herbs a little late this year . But still.,we certainly hope to be able to grow something ....
(6) Some Juliet Hybrid tomatoes (grape tomatoes) in a pot .
(7) Some Cascabella peppers in a pot . Nothing yet .....It is something new for us . It is the very first year that we tried to plant some peppers . It is growing slowly...
(8) Some herbs:
Parsley :
Basil :
Cilantro :
Some fruits :
You may also want to try to grow some fruits like strawberries . It is supposed to be quite easy . I haven't tried it yet , but we did plant a mandarin tree in our yard last winter . And it is fun to watch it grow ...
Hope your are having as much fun with your garden small or big :o)

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